Advanced Cytometry Platform

Registering, and Using iLab

We use iLab from Agilent as our booking and billing system (details)

How to access our Flow Core

  1. You must have read our guidelines and submitted a Flow Core registration first, at:
  2. You should then understand how to sign up with iLab and how we invoice:
    • It is VERY important to register with the correct lab on iLab...
    • If you use a grant code that does not belong to your named PI in iLab, payment will fail.
    • You will be charged for rectifying errors.
    • The PI to pay the bill must be your designated PI in iLab and have permission to sign off on that grant code
  3. Next click Register at the top right (open it in a new tab, so you can still refer to these instructions!)
  4. Use your work (e.g. KCL) email address, not a personal one
  5. Enter your name, mobile number and affiliation (for KCL/GSTT select Guy's Hospital, unless you work for a company or another institution)
  6. Start typing the lab name. Most PIs are already in the system, you shouldn't normally have to create a new group.

Type your grant code correctly on every booking - for KCL this is two UPPERCASE letters and five digits (no extra spaces or lowercase please) e.g. XX12345


The Advanced Cytometry Platform facilitates translational research through equipment and expertise for acquisition and analysis of flow cytometry experiments, cell sorting and mass cytometry. We are open to King's College London/ GSTT investigators and external users offering the following on a fee-for-service basis. Find out more on our (temporary) webpage. In brief, we offer:

  • three cell sorters (BD Biosciences FACSAriaII/ Fusion)
  • five analysers (BD LSRFortessa, BD FACSymphony and Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX LX)
  • specialist analysers including: Cytek Aurora, Amnis ImageStream MKII imaging cytometer, Luminex FlexMap3D bead array reader, Fluidigm Helios Mass Cytometer and Fluidigm Hyperion Imaging Mass Cytometer, and Angle Parsortix.
  • NEW: the imaging spectral cell sorter from BD (Discover S8) - not currently in the calendars
  • An antibody labelling service for mass cytometry
  • Assay development for fluorescent and mass cytometry, including analysis of high-dimensional data.

Cell sorters and mass cytometers are a staff-operated service (advanced users who attended the official operator training course can obtain out-of-hours access to FACSAriaII 1). Users who complete our Basic Training may book the self-service flow cytometers. Special training for other platforms (e.g. Luminex, ImageStream) is offered and must be completed before use. External users can access the facility during regular working hours (Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00), while trained internal users normally have 24/7 access. 


Dr Richard Ellis, Head of Advanced Cytometry Platform (Flow Core)

Location and hours of operation



Staff assistance/ external users:
Monday to Friday, 09:00-17:00
Trained and approved internal users:           

24/7 all days of the year.

10th floor Tower Wing
Guy's Hospital
Great Maze Pond
London, SE1 9RT

We are part of the Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) Research and Development Department, with the staff being NHS and employees of the Trust. The 10th floor is a non-clinical space, other services there are the Genomics Platform, commercial partner labs, and KCL labs.

Links and Resources

Flow Core webpage: Team email address:

See also the R&D Genomics Research Platform iLab page for their services.


All users are obliged to include our funding statement in any publication where services or equipment were used.
Citing individual members of the team is important for their development, so please include any staff who were particularly helpful - especially if they helped you with the design of the experiment, you should consider them a co-author.
Our affiliation is: Advanced Cytometry Platform, R&D Department, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT 


Name Role Phone Email Location
Team email address
General Enquiries
020 7188 0014

Dr Richard Ellis
Head of Flow Core
020 7188 1184
Floor 10
Dr Anna Rose
Flow Cytometry Manager
020 7188 7188 x56082 (office), x82599 (sorter room)
Floor 10
Cynthia Bishop
Senior Flow Cytometrist
020 7188 2260 (office), x51918 (CyTOF lab)
Floor 10
Leanne Farnan
Senior Flow Cytometrist
020 7188 2259 (office), x82599 (sorter room)
Floor 10
